13th February 2007 - Board Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held on Tuesday 13th February 2007 at 2.00 p.m. in theBoardroom, National Blood Centre, James's Street, Dublin 8

Present:                                Ms. Maura McGrath (Chairperson)

Mr. Sean Wyse

Mr. David Keenan

Dr. Margaret Murray

Dr Mary Cahill

Ms. Margaret Mullett

Mr Mark Moran

Dr Robert Landers

Mr David Lowe

Ms Jane OBrien


Apologies:                           Dr Cees Van Der Poel

                                                Gerry ODwyer


Also in attendance:           Mr. Andrew Kelly, Chief Executive

Ms. Mirenda ODonovan, Secretary to the Board


1.     Minutes of the meeting of9th January 2007


The minutes of the meeting of 9th January were agreed subject to amendment, proposed by Mr Mark Moran and seconded by Mr David Lowe.

The Chief Executive pointed out a change to the agenda regarding the presentation from the Director of Quality.  The Chairperson apologised to the meeting as she was going to have to leave early.  Mr Sean Wyse agreed to act as Chair in her absence.

2.     Matters arising

A meeting was held with the IMB to discuss the respective roles of the IBTS and the IMB regarding how haemovigilance should be structured to fulfil the requirements of the Directive.  It has been agreed that a memorandum of understanding be drafted defining the role and function of each organisation in relation to this matter.

Two organisations in the health area that previously had Boards have been incorporated into the HSE and their Boards abolished.  Those organisations are the former National Disease Surveillance Centre now called the Health Protection Surveillance Centre and the HSE Employers Agency.  The Chief Executive is working on a paper for the Board on the whole area of Governance and is consulting with the Business Review Group. This paper will be presented at the next meeting.

3.     Chief Executives Report

Daily deliveries to the North East have commenced.  This project will be reviewed after 3 months.  Its objectives are to ensure optimal use of blood and reduce wastage significantly. The IBTS is also looking at inter-hospital transfer of blood in the region.

Recruitment for a HR Manager has concluded and the successful candidate is due to start in mid-March.

In relation to ePRogesa, there are 52 outstanding issues, 8 of these are with the IBTS and 44 are with MAK Systems.  They have committed to a final fix by mid-March.

Service Level Agreements have been circulated to all hospitals.  There are two versions, one is for the supply of blood and blood products, the other is for hospitals for which we act as blood bank.  It was confirmed that the responsibility for traceability was clearly placed with the hospitals and there was some concern expressed at the hospitals ability to provide such traceability.  It was confirmed that the IBTS would have to audit hospitals to assess compliance with the agreements.

The introduction of a bag and tag system will allow the IBTS to verify that hospitals have transfused a unit to a particular patient and the record is returned and maintained.  The IMB will also be auditing the hospitals in compliance with their responsibilities under the EU Directive.   

The Board congratulated the CE on putting the service level agreement structure in place.

  1. Revised management structures

The Chief Executive outlined the proposed implementation plan for the revised management structures.  The Board reiterated its full support for the proposed changes. The CE also outlined a proposal to review and update the organisations strategic plan, which would also incorporate the outcome of the values process which has been ongoing over the last few months.

4.     CorkCentre

The Board reiterated its position that it is fully committed to the development of a new building for the MRTC.   The report of the focus group established to respond to the Department of Finance concerns was presented to the Board.  The Board made a number of suggestions for incorporation into the report and agreed to revert to the Board Secretary with any further comments/views.

The Chairperson left the meeting and Mr Sean Wyse acted as Chair.

7.     Revision to IBTS Statutory Instrument


The Board noted that the revised Statutory Instrument would put a ceiling on organisation numbers.

8.     Medical Advisory Committee

The minutes of the MAC meeting were noted. The Chairperson confirmed that the Director of the NDSC, Dr Darina Flanagan had joined the MAC. 

9.     Superannuation Fund

The CE reported to the Board on a number of options.  The board expressed their dissatisfaction with the lack of progress with the negotiations on the revised pension arrangements.

10.Finance Committee

It was confirmed that the 9.5% price increase sanctioned by the DOH&C was approved by the Board.  The Finance Committee will be considering a benchmarking document prepared by the Executive.  This document will look at quality and cost of service vis a vis other blood services.  A capital contingency of ¬100,000 has been approved and the Finance Committee will be coming back to the Board with details of a 3 year capital programme and Key Performance Indicators for the business.

The Board mandate for an overdraft facility was granted.

11.Profile of the IBTS

This matter was deferred as the Chairperson was no longer present.

12. Date of the next meeting

The next meeting of the Board will take place on Tuesday 20th March at2.00pm

Signed:___________________                      Date:___________________